A tram derails and plows into a shop in the Norwegian capital but only 4 are lightly injured


OSLO, Norway — A tram derailed in downtown Oslo and plowed into an iPhone and computer shop on Tuesday, Norwegian police said, but the accident miraculously only left four people lightly injured.

There were about 20 people on the commuter train when it derailed off the tracks at an intersection on Storgata, one of the Norwegian capital’s main thoroughfares.

Images from the scene show that most of the first carriage of the tram had slammed into the shop.

The tram driver was among those injured. Police said everyone was treated at the scene but no one had serious injuries.

The cause of the accident was not immediately determined and police said they were waiting for members of the Norwegian Safety Investigation Authority to arrive. The four-story building was later evacuated protectively to check for structural damages.

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